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Travel advice and vaccination rates

What are the costs for travel advice and vaccinations at KLM Health Services?

At KLM Health Services, we are upfront about the costs for travel advice and vaccinations.

The costs for a travel consultation and vaccinations are often fully or partially covered by your health insurance. Travel vaccinations are usually covered by your additional insurance (if applicable)

On this website you can easily check the vaccination reimbursements of your health insurance to see what applies to you.

In the overview below you will find the latest rates for our vaccinations. Subject to price changes/typos.

Do you need vaccinations?

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Rates overview


ConsulationsUnitRate (incl. VAT)
Vaccination consultation (10 min per person)per piece€28,59
Vaccination consultation child (up to 15 years)per piece€15,02
Vaccination consultation booster (5 min per person)per piece€15,02
Vaccination consultation long (20 min per person)per piece€ 46,38*
Vaccination consultation weekend/holiday surchargeper piece€ 6,67**


VaccinationsUnitRate (incl. VAT)
BMRper piece€ 53,99
Typhoid feverper piece€ 46,86
Cholera (stamp)per piecefree of charge
Dengue (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 146,23
DTPper piece€ 33,76
TBI | Tick-Borne Encephalitis (multiple vaccinations required)per piece€ 99,72
TBI junior (multiple vaccinations required)per piece€ 99,72
Yellow feverper piece€ 53,99
Shingles (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 252,09
Flu vaccinationper piece€ 39,50***
Hepatitis A (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 84,99
Hepatitis A junior (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 56,88
Hepatitis A Immunoglobulin (2ml)per piece€ 114,47
Hepatitis A/B combination adults (series of three vaccinations required)per piece€ 87,81
Hepatitis A/B combination junior (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 87,81
Hepatitis B (series of three vaccinations required)per piece€ 55,26
HPVper piece€ 238,40
Japanese Encephalitis (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 200,62
Meningococcal ACWYper piece€ 95,38
Pneumococcal (Pneumovax23)per piece€ 46,86
Rabies (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 115,20
Rotavirus (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 132,96
Chickenpox (series of two vaccinations required)per piece€ 91,35

Vaccination passport

Vaccination passport (Yellow booklet)


Rate (incl. VAT)

Vaccination passport during consultationper piece€ 6,15
Vaccination passport individual saleper piece€ 9,81

Malaria prophylaxis

Malaria prophylaxisUnitRate (incl. VAT)
Atovaquon / Proguanil tablets for adultsper piece€ 2,67
Atovaquon / Proguanil tablets for children per piece€ 1,12
Lariam tablets for adults per piece€ 4,36
Malarone tablets for adultsper piece€ 2,68
Malarone tablets for childrenper piece€ 1,36
Prescription costsper piece€19,16
asic rate for providing medication (WMG)per piece€ 7,31

Blood test

Blood testUnitRate (incl. VAT)
Hepatitis A titer determinationper piece€ 52,13
Hepatitis B titer determination

per piece

€ 45,40


  • A long consultation* applies if you are going to travel for more than 2 months and/or are going to visit 3 or more countries.
  • You can also contact us for vaccinations and travel advice during the weekends**. A surcharge of €6.67 per person applies for a weekend consultation or a consultation on a public holiday.
  • Flu vaccine*** is included in the consultation costs. The surcharge does apply for a weekend or public holiday consultation.
  • We operate entirely cashless and do not accept cash payments.
  • Exchange or return purchased items in the original packaging with purchase invoice within 14 days of purchase. Medicines are excluded.