Flu jab or flu vaccination

Anyone who wants to prevent flu is welcome at one of the KLM Health Services Travel Clinics for a flu jab. Applicable when you are not considered to belong to a risk group (such as seniors and people with a medical indication) but do want protection against the flu.

As a self-employed person, for example, you do not want to be struck down by the flu during that important assignment. Do you come into contact with a lot of people during your professional activities? This may also be a reason to decide to reduce the risk of a flu infection by getting a flu jab.


Got the jab last year? Get it again this year!

This year's flu jab often protects against (partly) different flu viruses than last year's. If you got the flu jab last year, your body will have produced antibodies against it.

However, the viruses circulating this year are constructed differently, which means you need new protection. Moreover, the jab only offers protection for about half a year.


When to make an appointment?

You can get vaccinated against the flu from the end of October. It takes about 2 weeks after the injection until you have produced sufficient antibodies.

These antibodies protect you for about half a year. The flu mainly occurs between December and March in the Netherlands.

What does it cost?

Are you only taking the flu jab? This vaccination including consultation costs €37.50. Read more about our rates here.

Do you have additional insurance? Often you can declare the costs. Ask your health insurance company about the specific details and how this applies to you.


The most important information about the flu jab at a glance

  • The flu jab reduces the risk of flu.
  • With the flu jab, you protect yourself and your colleagues against flu and reduce absenteeism.
  • Flu is not the same as a bad cold.
  • The flu vaccination offers protection for about six months.
  • The flu jab offers protection against a number of flu viruses. It does not protect against other viruses, such as the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • Different flu viruses are active every year. The composition of the flu jab is always adjusted to this.
  • To be as well protected as possible, a new flu jab is needed every year.
  • You cannot get flu from the flu jab.
  • The flu jab has few side effects, and these are usually mild.
  • Check out the guidelines of the RIVM here.

For corporates

Flu-like symptoms are the most common reasons for absence. A flu jab can prevent employees from developing symptoms caused by a flu virus. Protect yourself and your colleagues. Request a quote for your company.

We are happy to vaccinate your employees. This is possible:

  • By appointment at one of our Travel Clinics
  • On location
  • Or in a corporate vaccination room at Schiphol Airport.

Would you like more information about the flu jab for corporates? Please contact us via the button below or call 085 401 6211.


Why the flu jab for corporates?

  • Your employees will get sick less quickly.
  • The flu jab reduces your chance of getting the flu by about 30%. If you do get the flu after the flu jab, the jab usually ensures that you will become less seriously ill.
  • Flu wave? Not in your company.
  • If you are vaccinated, you are less likely to infect others.
  • Less absenteeism.