Registered occupational physicians
Interested in working as an occupational physician or medical examiner with us? Check if there are current job openings or get in touch with us at [email protected]. We would be happy to connect with you.
Specialty trainees (AIOS) or lateral entrants
Currently, we do not have any open positions for specialty trainees or lateral entrants. Training positions for specialty trainees (both full and lateral entrants) will be available again from 2025.
For information regarding the re-registration training programme, please contact our chief trainer at KLM Health Services, Tessa Kouwenhoven ([email protected]).
Physician not in specialist training (ANIOS), traineeship
Interested in joining us as an occupational physician with the prospect of a specialty traineeship? The start date for the next traineeship is yet to confirmed. Once it is known, it will be published on this website.
Medical interns
We welcome medical interns. If you are interested in completing your social medicine internship with us and are studying at UMC Amsterdam, please contact Ciska Meursingen ([email protected]) or Marc Soethout ([email protected]) from UMC Amsterdam. Unfortunately, we do not have placements available for interns from other universities.
Elective internship
We accept one elective medical intern each year for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 months. This takes place during either the September-November period or February-April. If you are interested, please send us your CV and motivation letter before June 1st. You will hear by July 1st at the latest if we have a position available for you.
Taster internship
Curious about what an occupational physician does? More information can be found at www.bedrijfsartsworden.nl. Unfortunately, due to the large number of physicians and nurses in training, we cannot accommodate you for a taster internship at KLM Health Services.