Health check-up


Health check-up

Your health is your most valuable asset. Do you feel your lifestyle supports good health? Or perhaps you would like to discover if you have any potential health risks?  At KLM Health Services, we are here to help you with that. You can invest in your health with our annual health check-up.

What does it mean?

Our health check-ups are available in two packages: Basic and Comprehensive.

Basic health check-up

Comprehensive health check-up

A consultation with a doctor, using a questionnaire and a physical examination.

A consultation with a doctor, using a questionnaire and a physical examination.

Measurement of height, weight, BMI, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and blood pressure.

Measurement of height, weight, BMI, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and blood pressure.

Urine test.

Urine test.

A written report provided in a secure environment (via Zivver).

A written report provided in a secure environment (via Zivver).

Blood tests, an electrocardiogram (ECG), and lung function tests.

Eyesight check and eye pressure assessment (for individuals over 40).
Hearing assessment via an audiogram.

Additionally, you have the option to enhance your health check-up with an exercise test and/or an eyesight check for computer work.

  • During the exercise test, we use a bicycle ergometer (similar to a stationary bike) that progressively increases in difficulty, requiring you to put more effort. An ECG/echocardiogram is recorded while you cycle.

  • The eyesight check for computerwork evaluates your vision at screen distance, determining if you require computer glasses based on the findings.

Where does the health check-up take place?

Our health check-ups take place at our locations in Den Haag or Schiphol-Oost.

Certified examination

KLM Health Services holds the necessary certifications to perform these examinations.

More information?

Please call (020) 649 43 34 or request a quote right away.

Request a quote.